Goodbye SASSA SRD R350 Thank you for new SASSA R480

Goodbye SASSA SRD R350 Thank you for new SASSA R480

Goodbye SASSA SRD R350 Thank you for new SASSA R480

The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa)  is responsible for distributing multiple grants in south Africa , this include , SASSA SRD R350  grant , Child grant , Old persons grant and many more . In April 2022 SASSA child grant was increased by R20 , taking it from R460 to R480 , this was a very good news to all beneficiaries of child grant.

What is SASSA child grant

SASSA child grant  is a government social grant made for people whose age is 18 years and below , and whose parent do not have income more than the R4000 per person of a combined salary of R8000  (either , not more than what SASSA income base line) .

What is Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant.

In 2020 SASSA and the South African Government introduced a new form of Grant called Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant. this grant was introduced to help non working South African whose fall victims of the Job losses because of Covid-19 and had no other means of supporting them self.

Goodbye SASSA SRD R350 Thank you for new SASSA R480

Goodbye SASSA SRD R350 Thank you for new SASSA R480

Now that the Covid-19 pandemic is over and people are back to their daily life , the damage caused by covid-19 pandemic still remain , South African Government and SASSA has amended the rules for qualifying for SRD. under this rules  any one receiving more than R350 income on a monthly basis is now longer allowed to received SRD R350 , this include those who receive R480 Child grant.

ALSO READ  How to apply for new R350 Grant in 2022

According to SASSA SRD new rules  “A person is not entitled to a social grant for himself or herself and Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress simultaneously”

So for all those receiving SASSA R480 child grant is a Goodbye to SASSA SRD R350.

Also read : How to appeal sassa srd grant step by step
