No Matric results for Over 1000 Matriculants , here is why

The 2022 matric examination results have been giving the stamp of approval Umalusi. However, not all candidates will be able to receive them.

The 2022 matric results have been given the green light by Umalusi, the Quality Council for General and Further Education and Training.

Umalusi’s evaluation found there were no systemic irregularities that would compromise the credibility or integrity of the examination results, giving its stamp of approval to FET Colleges, the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).

Although matric candidates are eagerly awaiting the release of their results, there are some who may not get a chance to see how they fared along with the rest of their grade.

Over 1000 matric candidates who wrote the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations have been found to be associated with irregularities, specifically in the province of Mpumalanga. The DBE is required to block the results of the learners implicated, although some cases have already been resolved. 

Umalusi has noted its concern regarding the different forms of cheating that were uncovered during the examination period. 

Learners were found in possession of cheat notes and cellphones, and there were also imposters found in examination venues and the sharing of answers via social media messaging platforms. Some examination papers were also found to have different handwriting.

DBE Spokesperson, Elijah Mhlanga, says the DBE has intensified it’s investigation into these irregularities, particularly the exam cheating scandal that was revealed during December last year, while candidates were still writing.

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The situation was brought to the DBE’s attention via a tip from the WhatsApp hotline set up to allow individuals to report any examination irregularities.

“We submitted the irregularities report to Umalusi last week, and that was finalized; now we can proceed and accelerate the process of the investigation because our idea is that all those learners who are implicated, must get their results as quickly as possible. Everyone that is implicated must cooperate so that we can finish quickly and start with the preparations for the 2023 examinations, as opposed to being held back by the ones from 2022,” said Mhlanga.

Mhlanga added that each of the 1000 cases will be gone over carefully to make sure that nobody is compromised.

“We want to ensure that if you [a candidate] is guilty, you are really guilty and that there’s enough evidence to find you guilty. But if you are cleared, you must get your results to proceed with your plans for your future as quickly as possible,” elaborated the Spokesperson. 

For the future, the DBE wants to see the number of candidates associated with exam irregularities drastically be reduced. 

Approving the matric examination results allows for the Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga to proceed with the release. The results are expected to be revealed on Thursday, 19 January and can be collected by learners on Friday, 20 January, 2023.
