Reconfirm SASSA SRD R350 status Check 2022

Reconfirm SASSA SRD R350 status Check 2022

Reconfirm SASSA SRD R350 status Check 2022

Reconfirm and Reapply SASSA SRD R350 Grant 2022

Now that the Minister of Social development proposed that the SASSA SRD income threshold be increased from R350 to R624 , many who got excluded by the new rules will now qualify. Those who qualify will have to Apply or reapply under new SRD amended regulations.

For those who are already in the system , under new regulation , SASSA requires you to reconfirm your SRD application at least once in three  month. The reconfirmation will inform SASSA that you still need an SRD grant.

During the applications and reapplication process , some made mistakes , some SASSA is also giving those people a chance to go back and correct their mistakes.

Since the screening answers can not be permanent , as part of reconfirmation you are required to revise them accordingly.

 Reconfirm SASSA SRD R350

 All SRD R350 grant applicants must reconfirm their grant applications at least once every 3 months. This reconfirmation informs SASSA that applicants still need and qualify for the grant in terms of the regulations. Existing applicants can also update their responses to the screening questionnaire here, at any time, should their circumstances change or to correct errors.

Read : How to reconfirm your SASSA SRD R350 application 2022

Reapply for the SASSA SRD 2022 

Before submitting your SASSA online application, make sure that you fit the following criteria:

  1. South African citizens/permanent residents/refugees/asylum seekers/holders of special permits
  2. Unemployed
  3. Have no alternative source of income or financial support of more than R350 per month
  4. Between the ages of 18 and 60

Also read:

Appeal SASSA SRD R350 

           SASSA  gives a chance to a SASSA grant application which was rejected in the form of a SASSA appeal. If you want to appeal your SASSA application now . here is how is done:

Before you appeal SASSA SRD R350 SRD you must have done these three things.

  1. Applied to SASSA for the Covid-19 SRD on their electronic platform.
  2. Must have gotten a notification that your application was rejected.
  3. If you disagree with that decision.

 Also read : How to appeal SASSA SRD step by step

How to check your SASSA SRD status?

Reconfirm SASSA SRD R350 status Check 2022

To check you SASSA SRD R350 status , you will need two things 

  1. You ID number used to submit the application 
  2. And the cell phone number also used with that ID to submit the application. 

Now checking the status: 

  • you must go to the SASSA SRD website (
  •  and scroll down to “Application status” 
  • Then click on ‘click here to check online
  • Enter your ID number
  • Enter your phone number 
  • Click submit

If you have applied for SASSA SRD under the new regulation , you will be taken to the status page where you can scroll and view status for months.

How do I change my SASSA SRD contact details

To change your SASSA SRD contact details:

  • Go to SASSA SRD website 
  • Scroll down to “How to change my contact details
  • Click on a bar written “click here to change my cell phone number and/or email address
  •  No you will have to submit your 13 digit ID number and 6 digit Application ID that SASSA issued to you on application or reapplication, then Click ‘Submit’

Then you can follow the instruction to update your contact details


  • you must go to the SASSA SRD website
  •  and scroll down to “Application status” 
  • Then click on ‘click here to check online
  • Enter your ID number
  • Enter your phone number 
  • Click submit

we also recommend you to read a step by step guid on how to reconfirm SASSA SRD R350