Reconfirm SASSA R350 grant August at

Reconfirm SASSA R350 grant August at

Reconfirm Sassa Application August 2022.

Applicants or beneficiaries of  SRD Grant are required as per the new SRD rules to reconfirm if they still need the R350 SRD Grant. This reconfirmation should be done after every three months.

How to Reconfirm Sassa in August

Here are the steps to follow in order to reconfirm your Sassa srd grant application the right way:

Step 1: Go to the SRD website here or click

Step 2: Scroll down to “Reconfirm your grant application”

Step 3: Click the yellow bar that reads “click here to reconfirm your existing application”.

Step 4: Enter your ID number

Step 5: Enter your mobile number

Step 6: Click send SMS, You will receive a One-

Time Pin (OTP) via SMS

Step 7: Enter the OTP

Step 8: Click on verify pin

Step 9: Follow the remaining steps to complete the process, then you are done.

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